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Cinefetti juli 2016.

Het einde van juli is alweer in zicht en ik heb een geweldige (en een minder geweldige) film gezien, een nieuwe serie ontdekt en een hele lijst inspirerende podcasts geluisterd. Er zitten echt juweeltjes tussen deze maand, dus kijk snel of er iets voor je bijzit!

movie dateHier review ik films waar ik sámen met iemand naartoe ben geweest en bepaal: was dit een goede film om samen naartoe te gaan, liever alleen of gewoon helemaal niet…? Deze films draaien op moment van schrijven allemaal nog in de bioscoop.

FILM: Finding Dory (klik hier voor de trailer).
LOCATIE: Kinepolis.
SYNOPSIS: Nemo, Marlin en Dory zijn weer veilig thuis, maar dan krijgt Dory flashbacks over haar eigen familie en besluiten ze met zijn drietjes op zoek te gaan naar de papa en mama van Dory.
REVIEW: Loved it! Het begint al goed met een mini bonus animatie film over een heel klein schattig vogeltje. Pixar toont altijd een mini film vóór de hoofdfilm en die zijn altijd al zó leuk. Finding Dory zelf is prachtig gemaakt, heel ontroerend (vooral het begin) en heeft een fijn tempo. Veel animatie films zitten tegenwoorden zo volgepropt met karakters die ALLEMAAL mee op reis moeten en daardoor allemaal te weinig aandacht krijgen (en véél te druk zijn). In Finding Dory komen de drie visjes veel oude en nieuwe karakters tegen, maar nemen er ook snel weer afscheid van. Ik vind dit dé animatie film van het jaar tot nu toe en ik raad aan om hem in 3D (zei ik dat nou echt?) in de bioscoop te gaan zien. Want het is zoveel magischer als je helemaal bent ondergedompeld in de onderwaterwereld van de drie dappere visjes.
DATES: Mijn hele familie én Tom. Vooral mijn moeder en mijn broertje heb ik hard horen lachen.

FILM: The man who knew infinity (klik hier voor de trailer).
LOCATIE: Forum Images.
SYNOPSIS: Man uit india kan heel goed rekenen en wordt uitgenodigd door hoge piefen in Cambridge om langs te komen en mooie dingen te bedenken.
REVIEW: Ik ga er niet omheen draaien, deze film viel tegen. En dat terwijl het alles in huis had om de nieuwe A Beautiful Mind / Imitation Game te worden. Een wiskundig genie, tegenslag, racisme, doorzettingsvermogen en niet te vergeten, British finest: Stephen Fry en Jeremy Irons. Maar het mocht niet baten. Hoofdrolspeler Dev Patel heeft de hele film in de lens gekeken als een ‘deer in headlights’, het romantische/emotionele aspect kwam niet echt over en het verstrijken van de tijd werd érg slecht aangegeven. Helaas pindakaas.
DATES: Tom. Ik dacht eerst dat ik een beetje een zuurpruim was, maar Tom vond de film óók niet zo geslaagd.

couch potato

Hier de tip(s) van de maand op bankhang / binge-watch-gebied. Dekentje, kop thee en popcorn erbij en kamperen op de bank…

SERIE: Fargo (klik hier voor de trailer van seizoen één).
SYNOPSIS: Er wordt een moord gepleegd in een ieniemienie stadje in Minnesota. En dan nog eentje en dan nog eentje en dan nog eentje…
WAAROM KIJKEN: Omdat het zó droog is. Omdat de accenten heerlijk zijn. Omdat de karakters hilarisch én ontroerend zijn. Omdat de scènes zo mooi in beeld zijn gezet. Omdat Billy Bob Thornton geniaal is als creepy guy met slecht kapsel. Omdat het de beste serie is die ik in lange tijd heb gezien. Er is ook een film die Fargo heet en die hebben Tom en ik nog niet gezien (foei). Maar dat maakt dus (blijkbaar) niet uit. We zijn nog maar halverwege seizoen één, dus of álle afleveringen zo goed zijn, kunnen we nog niet zeggen, maar het begin is in ieder geval zeer de moeite waard.

bonus trackOnder bonus tracks vallen podcasts, luisterboeken, andere geluidsfragmenten en misschien zelfs af en toe een YouTube video…

WAT: Women of the hour.
WAT IS DAT: Een podcast door Lena Dunham over het wel en wee van vrouwen.
WAAROM LUISTEREN: Met deze podcast ben ik al een hele tijd bezig omdat ik de afleveringen wilde ‘bewaren’. Er zijn maar vijf afleveringen en ze zijn zó goed, dat ik mezelf op een soort women-of-the-hour-dieet had gezet. Maar ik heb ze eindelijk allemaal geluisterd. Dit is zo’n podcast die zo goed is, dat hij bijna gezond voelt. Gezond voor dat stemmetje in je hoofd dat te snel oordeelt, gezond voor dat stemmetje in je hoofd dat altijd zegt dat je niet goed genoeg bent en gezond voor dat stemmetje in je hoofd dat bang is om dood te gaan. Ik ben die hard Lena Dunham fan en deze podcast bewijst weer waarom. Luisteren alsjeblieft!

WAT: De verwarde cavia.
WAT IS DAT: Een podcast waarin Paulien Cornelisse haar nieuwe boek voorleest.
WAAROM LUISTEREN: ‘BINGO!!!’ Is wat ik dacht toen ik ontdekte dat Paulien haar nieuwe boek gratis en voor niks voorleest in een podcast. De afleveringen zijn mega kort (rond de twee minuten) en Tom en ik ‘bingo-luisteren’ er steeds een stuk of drie voordat we gaan slapen. Het gaat niet lang duren voordat we bij zijn… De verwarde cavia gaat over Cavia (ook wel Caaf genoemd) die werkt op kantoor en af en toe wat met zichzelf in de knoop zit. Het overmatige gebruik van typisch kantoortaal is om van te smullen en de situaties kneuterig en herkenbaar.

WAT: Ctrl Alt Delete.
WAT IS DAT: Een podcast waarin Emma Gannon mensen interviewt over hun carrière en hoe die verbonden is met de online wereld.
WAAROM LUISTEREN: Emma is blijkbaar een big shot blogger uit Engeland dat net haar eerste boek heeft geschreven, maar ik had nog nooit van haar gehoord en kwam per toeval bij haar podcast terecht. In de eerste aflevering interviewt ze Elizabeth Gilbert (dus dan heb je mij binnen) en het hoofdonderwerp is creatieve carrières en internet / social media. Als je dan toch je 10.000 stappen moet lopen, dan maar onder het genot van ambitieuze vrouwen die goede tips uitdelen of juist vertellen dat ze ook maar gewoon ‘gewoon’ zijn.


En dat waren weer alle reviews en tips van juli. In augustus ben ik van plan een paar goede business boeken te gaan luisteren, waaronder Sprint en #AskGaryVee. Ook wil ik de Fantastic Mr Fox en Angus, things and full-full-frontal snogging (twee absolute jeugd-favorieten) gaan luisteren. Qua films staan er twee animatie films op mijn lijstje: Ice Age Collission Course en The Secret Life of Pets. Ik ga business met pleasure mixen dus. ^_^

142 gedachten over “Cinefetti juli 2016.

  1. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……….

  2. The online weed marketplace is in the midst of a rapid expansion. Given that marijuana is still not legal for recreational use in most states and remains illegal at the federal level, many consumers are turning to the internet to find trustworthy vendors. The most obvious reason why you should buy weed online is buy weed online because it’s discreet……….

  3. The online weed marketplace is in the midst of a rapid expansion. Given that marijuana is still not legal for recreational use in most states and remains illegal at the federal level, many consumers are turning to the internet to find trustworthy vendors. The most obvious reason why you should buy weed online is buy weed online because it’s discreet……

  4. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……

  5. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions….

  6. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……

  7. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……..

  8. In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……….

  9. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards….

  10. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards…….

  11. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep………

  12. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep……

  13. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary..

  14. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…..

  15. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…

  16. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards..

  17. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…..

  18. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep…

  19. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…..

  20. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…

  21. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep…

  22. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary………

  23. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary……

  24. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards………

  25. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep..

  26. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary……

  27. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards…….

  28. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards….

  29. Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep…….

  30. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary……..

  31. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards……..

  32. A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards………

  33. One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…

  34. One of the main benefits of using an buy weed online canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary.

  35. In recent years, the ability to buy weed online has become increasingly popular, especially in places where cannabis is legal. Buying weed online offers several benefits, including convenience, privacy, and a wider selection of products.

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