Ik riep vorige week dat we een weekje Happiness Project oversloegen om alle andere goede gewoontes die we al hadden opgepikt een beetje vol te kunnen houden. Goede-Gewoonte-Overload lag op de loer! Hoe doen we het nu met slapen, yoga, boodschappen en de rest? Dat verklap ik vandaag.
Happiness Project 1: Een week geen boodschappen doen.
Uiteraard doen we inmiddels weer boodschappen, maar ik merk wel een klein verschil. Ik probeer de koelkast niet te vol te proppen als ik niet weet wanneer ik dat allemaal op ga eten. En als ik iets mis voor een recept en ik heb het niet, dan probeer ik het recept aan te passen met iets wat ik wél heb in plaats van meteen naar de winkel te rennen. Dat is natuurlijk niet altijd een succes (of een mogelijkheid) maar vaak wel en dat voelt best kick-ass. Er is ruimte voor een beetje experimenteren, we geven minder uit aan boodschappen en de koelkast puilt niet zo uit. Met zout, peper, knoflook, kaneel, gerookt paprikapoeder, Italiaanse kruiden (het liefst van het balkon) bouillonblokjes en sojasaus kan ik bijna van álles iets lekkers maken. O en vergeet de roomboter en olijfolie niet. Succes verzekerd.
Happiness Project 2: Yoga
We doen niet meer élke dag yoga, maar wel bíjna elke dag. Die week heeft dus enorm goed geholpen met die gewoonte weer terug te halen en we vinden het nu ook weer leuk in plaats van een enorme opgave. Maar we kiezen wel de video’s uit die niet te ruig gaan (ja, ik ben een watje die yoga ruig noemt) en maximaal 20 minuten. Dat is een fijne lengte voor ’s ochtends en dan hebben we daarna nog tien minuutjes de tijd om een kopje thee te drinken en ons goed te voelen over onszelf. En te bespreken welke pose we het moeilijkst vonden. Oh mèn, wij zijn echt de allersuftste oude omaatjes op deze planeet maar we zijn in ieder geval niet zo stijf meer…
Happiness Project 3: Film
De conclusie van film week was dat elke dag een film kijken gewoon niet leuk is. Ik ben daar nog steeds een beetje verbaasd over. Maar het is wél heel erg de moeite waard om naar de bioscoop te gaan. De stilte, het donker, het niet afgeleid worden door je eigen huis, de meegesmokkelde home-made popcorn en de ultieme me-time: het is helemaal de shit voor mij. Dus ik probeer één keer in de week te gaan (in mijn eentje) en meestal lukt dat wel. Mijn favoriet tot nu toe was Goodfellas op maandagmiddag in het EYE museum in Amsterdam. Doe ik gewoon. Somebody (don’t) stop me!
Happiness Project 4: Slaap
Was destijds een pittig weekje maar het heeft mijn grootste stressfactor ENORM verlaagd: het gevoel van te weinig tijd hebben. Zelfs als ik tijd zat heb, denk ik dat ik te weinig heb en daar krijg ik al hartkloppingen van. Maar nu ik om half zeven opsta, kan ik met gemak ontbijten, een beetje wakker worden, yoga doen en alvast een beetje werken voordat het negen uur is. Dat kost helemaal niet zoveel moeite (ik doe alles op een slakkentempo, in pyjama) maar ik ben de rest van de dag véél relaxter en meestal ruim voor 17.00 klaar met alles wat ik moet doen. Echt een aanrader als je altijd maar loopt te haasten en te stressen.
Happiness Project 5: Declutter
Het viel een klein beetje tegen hoeveel spullen we kwijt konden aan onze vrienden (alhoewel we er een paar wel echt heel blij mee hebben gemaakt) en Marktplaats een regelrechte FAIL was (misschien omdat iedereen op vakantie is?). Maar verder was declutterweek een groot succes. Sindsdien staat er een houten krat in de woonkamer wat ik elke week vul met dingen die niet (genoeg) gebruikt worden. En ik breng het ook nog weg! En we hebben ook nog een stel vrienden aangestoken om ook eens flink op te ruimen. Ik ben benieuwd hoelang ik ermee door kan gaan voordat ik denk: ik heb nu écht alles wat ik nodig heb en waar ik van hou en geen troepjes meer…
Happiness Project 6: Screen free
Omdat het de laatste was, hebben we er nog niet megaveel mee kunnen oefenen, dus we zijn nog een béétje zoekende. Ik probeer na half acht zo goed als screen free te gaan (een appje beantwoorden of checken tot hoe laat de supermarkt open is, moet kunnen) en het zorgt ervoor dat ik ruim op tijd op bed lig. Ja, ik verveel me helemaal te pletter (ik heb alle tijdschriften is huis al gelezen) maar het is heel goed voor mijn nachtrust en voor mijn doorratelende crazy brain. Tom daarentegen, heeft geen zelf-discipline dus als ik niet als een screen-free-politie-agent tegen hem te keer ga, dan vervalt hij keihard in zijn oude routines. Gek, want van alle Happiness Projects vond hij deze het állerfijnst. Dus ik moet de komende tijd maar flink de politie-mevrouw uithangen (kan ik heel goed, ik ben een sportvan Happiness Bitch), misschien vormt er dan vanzelf een routine…
Up next: Brighton week!
Woop woop! Het is bijna zover: over hele korte tijd pakken Tom en ik onze koffertjes (én Tetkees) in en vertrekken we met onze mini auto voor zes weken naar Brighton, Engeland. De belangrijkste voorbereidingen zijn allang getroffen, maar er zijn nog wel een paar dingetjes die moeten gebeuren voordat we relaxt die kant op kunnen. Dus daarom wil ik komende week elke dag iets van ons voordat-we-op-werk-vakantie-kunnen-lijstje afstrepen zodat we zo weinig last minute stress hebben, goed voorbereid zijn op de reis en niks belangrijks vergeten. Ik ben een ontzettende stresskip als het om reizen gaat (en die elke vijf minuten checkt of ze haar paspoort en tickets wel bij zich heeft) dus hopelijk helpt een goede voorbereiding een beetje…
Used cars can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in Boise.Used Cars in Boise
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Albuquerque is a great place to find a used car. Used Cars in Albuquerque
Anchorage is a popular destination for both tourists and residents, and the demand for used cars in the area is high. Used Cars in Anchorage
Used cars can be a great way to save money on your next vehicle purchase, and Atlanta has a wide variety of options to choose from. Used Cars in Atlanta
Used cars in Austin can be a great option for those looking to purchase a reliable vehicle without breaking the bank. Used Cars in Austin
Used cars are a popular option for many people in Baltimore as they offer a more affordable alternative to buying a brand new vehicle.Used Cars in Baltimore
Used cars are a popular and cost-effective option for many drivers in Billings.Used Cars in Billings
Used cars can be a great option for those in Birmingham looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price.Used Cars in Birmingham
Used cars are a great option for those looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle.Used Cars in Charleston
Charlotte is a great place to find a used car. Used Cars in Charlotte
Used cars are a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in Cheyenne. Used Cars in Cheyenne
Used cars in Chicago can be a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a lower cost. Used Cars in Chicago
Used cars in Cleveland offer a great value for those looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. Used Cars in Cleveland
Columbia is a city with a wide variety of used car dealerships, offering a range of options for buyers of all types.Used Cars in Columbia
Used cars are a popular option for many buyers in Dallas as they offer a cost-effective way to own a vehicle. Used Cars in Dallas
Used cars are a popular choice for many buyers in Denver. Used Cars in Denver
Used cars can be a great option for those looking for a more affordable vehicle in Des Moines. Used Cars in Des Moines
Used cars in Detroit can be a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Detroit
Used cars in Hartford offer a wide range of options for those looking to purchase a pre-owned vehicle. Used Cars in Hartford
Used cars in Honolulu are a popular choice among car buyers due to the city’s bustling population and heavy traffic. Used Cars in Honolulu
Houston is a great place to find a used car. With a population of over 2 million people, there are plenty of options to choose from. Used Cars in Houston
Used cars can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in Indianapolis. Used Cars in Indianapolis
Used cars are a great option for many people in Jackson who are looking for a reliable vehicle at a lower cost. Used Cars in Jackson
Used cars in Las Vegas can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Las Vegas
Lexington is home to a variety of dealerships and independent sellers that offer a wide selection of used cars for purchase.Used Cars in Lexington
Used cars in Little Rock are a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. Used Cars in Little Rock
Los Angeles is home to a wide variety of used car dealerships and private sellers, offering a diverse selection of cars to suit any budget and need.Used Cars in Los Angeles
Used cars in Louisville are a popular option for those looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle. Used Cars in Louisville
Used cars in Madison offer a wide variety of options for car buyers looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle. Used Cars in Madison
Used cars are a popular option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in San Diego. Used Cars in San Diego
Manchester is home to many dealerships and private sellers that offer a variety of used cars to suit different budgets and needs.Used Cars in Manchester
Used cars can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in Boise.Used Cars in Boise
Used cars in Bismarck can be a great option for those looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle.Used Cars in Bismarck
In Memphis there are many options for used cars, both from dealerships and private sellers.Used Cars in Memphis
Used cars in Miami offer a great value for those looking to purchase a vehicle. Used Cars in Miami
Used cars in Minneapolis offer a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Minneapolis
Used cars in New Orleans offer a wide variety of options for those in the market for a pre-owned vehicle. Used Cars in New Orleans
Used cars can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle in New York. Used Cars in New York
Oklahoma City is a great place to find a used car. Used Cars in Oklahoma City
Used cars in Omaha offer a great way for buyers to get a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Omaha
Used cars in Omaha offer a great way for buyers to get a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Omaha
Used cars are a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Phoenix
Used cars are a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Phoenix
Used cars are a popular option for many people in Pittsburgh as they offer a cost-effective way to own a vehicle without breaking the bank. Used Cars in Pittsburgh
Used cars are a popular option for many people in Pittsburgh as they offer a cost-effective way to own a vehicle without breaking the bank. Used Cars in Pittsburgh
Portland is home to a variety of used car dealerships and private sellers, offering a range of options for every budget and lifestyle.Used Cars in Portland
Used cars in Portland offer a wide range of options for buyers looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. Used Cars in Portland
In Providence, Rhode Island, there are many options for buying a used car, including dealerships and private sellers.Used Cars in Providence
Richmond is home to many dealerships and private sellers offering a wide selection of used cars.Used Cars in Richmond
Used cars in Sacramento offer a great value for those in the market for a pre-owned vehicle. Used Cars in Sacramento
Used cars in Salt Lake City offer a wide range of options for those looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. Used Cars in Salt Lake City
Used cars in San Francisco offer a wide range of options for buyers looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle. Used Cars in San Francisco
Used cars in Seattle can be a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Seattle
Used cars in Sioux Falls are an affordable and practical option for many residents in the area. Used Cars in Sioux Falls
Used cars in Saint Louis offer a wide variety of options for buyers looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle. Used Cars in Saint Louis
Trenton is home to a variety of used car dealerships, offering a wide range of options for consumers.Used Cars in Trenton
Used cars are a great option for those in Wichita who are looking for a reliable vehicle at a more affordable price. Used Cars in Wichita
Used cars in Wilmington offer a wide variety of options for those looking to purchase a pre-owned vehicle.Used Cars in Wilmington
A chassis is the structural frame of a vehicle, and it is the foundation upon which the car’s body and powertrain are built.Used Chassis
Used cars in convertibles are a popular choice for those looking for a fun and stylish way to get around. Used Convertibles
Used cars in the coupe body style are a popular choice among car buyers. Used Coupes
One of the main advantages of purchasing a used electric car is the cost savings. Used Electric Cars
Hatchbacks are a popular choice for those in the market for a used car. Used Hatchbacks
Used cars that are hybrids have gained popularity in recent years as more and more consumers look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on fuel costs. Used-Hybrid-Cars
Used minivans are a popular choice for families and individuals in need of a spacious and versatile vehicle. Used Minivans
Used cars in pickup trucks are a popular option for those looking for a reliable and versatile vehicle at a more affordable price point.Used Pickups
Used cars in the sedan category are a popular choice among car buyers, as they offer a great balance of comfort, performance, and affordability. Used Sedans
Used SUVs have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their versatility, spaciousness, and capability. Used SUVs
Used cars in vans, also known as camper vans or conversion vans, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Used Vans
Used cars in wagons, also known as station wagons or estate cars, are a popular choice among car buyers who are looking for a versatile and practical vehicle. Used Wagons
Used cars are a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. Used Cars Under 1000
Used cars can be a great option for those on a budget, and there are plenty of options available for under $2000. Used Cars Under 2000
Used cars can be a great option for those on a budget, and there are plenty of options available for under $3000. Used Cars Under 3000
Used cars under $4,000 can be a great option for those on a budget. Used Cars Under 4000
There are plenty of used cars available for under $5000 that can be a great option for those looking for a more affordable way to get around.Used Cars Under 5000
Used cars can be a great option for those on a budget, and there are many options available for under $10,000.Used Cars Under 10000
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Used cars are a great option for those looking for a reliable and affordable vehicle.Used Cars in Charleston
Used cars under $15,000 can provide a great value for those looking for a reliable vehicle without breaking the bank.Used Cars Under 15000
Used cars can be a great option for those looking for a reliable vehicle at an affordable price. In particular, there are many used cars available for under $20,000. Used Cars Under 20000
Used cars can be a great option for those looking to purchase a vehicle without breaking the bank. Used Cars Under 25000
One way to save money is by searching for used cars that are priced under $30,000.Used Cars Under 30000
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In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions.
In Canada, the cannabis market is fragmented and confusing. Different provinces and territories have different rules about how old you need to be to buy weed, where you can buy it, and how much you can possess. As we’ve talked about, legal weed is a term used to describe cannabis West Coast Cannabis that is cultivated and sold legally under certain regulations and conditions……..
The online weed marketplace is in the midst of a rapid expansion. Given that marijuana is still not legal for recreational use in most states and remains illegal at the federal level, many consumers are turning to the internet to find trustworthy vendors. The most obvious reason why you should buy weed online is buy weed online because it’s discreet………
Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep..
One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…
One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary…….
One of the main benefits of using an online dispensary in Canada is the convenience it offers. Customers can browse products, place orders, and have them delivered to their doorstep, all from the comfort of their own homes. This is especially useful for those who live in remote areas, or who have mobility issues and find it difficult to travel to a physical dispensary……..
A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards……..
Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep….
Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep..
Another advantage of buying weed online is the privacy it provides. Not everyone feels comfortable going to a physical dispensary and being seen purchasing marijuana products. With online dispensaries, customers can place their orders discreetly, and have them delivered directly to their doorstep……
A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards…….
A Weed dispensary is a place where consumers can purchase cannabis products such as flowers, edibles, concentrates, and topicals. These dispensaries can be found in various forms, including storefronts, mobile delivery services, and online shops. In states where cannabis is legal, these dispensaries must comply with strict regulations and undergo regular inspections to ensure they meet health and safety standards………
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